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Aug 15, 2012

Siyum Hashas Cleans Up RBS

Tonight there is a "major" siyum Hashas for daf yomi in RBS. Instead of holding it in any of the local auditoriums - the Ulam Sport, the Matnas, or any of a number of event halls, they decided to hold it outdoors (in the heat) in the Merkaz Mischari (shopping center) of RBS. I hope it won't be too hot or humid, but they have really messed over the residents who already suffer from a shortagre of parking in the area...

(I snagged this picture off someone's Facebook page) 

Very nice. Even though it is two weeks late and even though anybody interested has already been to at least one siyum hashas already, if not more, still it is very nice to have another siyum. Whoever wants to go and listen to more speeches, can go and enjoy.

The best thing about it is probably that in honor of the big event they probably cleaned up the area of the merkaz for the first time in years.... If that's the case, someone should consider holding a siyum in the merkaz and other especially central (and dirty) areas around town ona  regular basis - maybe once a week or once a month.

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  1. 2 comments:

    1 - Why do you assume it will still be clean after the event? :)

    2 - Very un-PC to refer to speeches, Rafi. They're called Divrei Torah, no matter how mind-numbing and un-original they are.

  2. 1. it wont be clean after. at least it is clean before...
    2. you say potato, I say potahto

  3. And Dan Quayle might say potatoe

  4. dont worry. I just passed by the main area and it wasnt so clean. maybe they only cleaned the immediate area where the siyum would be.

  5. How about a post on the corruption in the iryah / Sorotzkin regarding his shetach of land from his cheder, which he is renting out ... at the same time that the local schools are short of space for incoming and returning classes?

    Is this why we voted for chareidi iryah and gimmel? Whats the point?

    1. it's why some of us didn't vote Gimel

  6. I dont know details of that. I heard very minimal information. not enough to post about.

  7. basically sorotzkin is renting out the not used area of the old ateres sholmo on kishon to a odd type of yeshiva ketana from Elad. It's a nice money maker for his projects. It isn't really a legal thing to do. The Iria knows about it and they are ignoring it for many reasons. The neighborhood beis yaakov was not even able to do rishum for ktia aleph yet because they don't have any space for a new 100+ girls. There are a lot of angry feelings and its going to get ugly.

    1. What are these many reasons?

    2. No one is really sure why the iria is choosing not to act. Everyone has thier own ideas. Sorotzkin is a powerful person so prehaps they dont want to start up. It's unclear. What is very clear is that it is against the law to take land for a school then not use it for your school and make money off of it. That land should go back to the Iriya so that another local school can use it.

  8. and meanwhile they will only scream about the bet sefer tarbut v'safot because its a not-religious school, but they wont scream at sorotzkin.

    anyways, Abutbol will only say that if someone claims sorotzkin (or the iryah) is doing something illegal, they should take their evidence to the police. That is his regular response to such claims.

  9. Rafi Your wrong. "They" are screaming at sorotzkin. There was a meeting at a local rabbis house and the mayor was there as was the rabbi, sorotzkin and local askanim. so he is well aware and did not in any way say go to the police. quite the oposite. as far as that mostly empty bet sefer. the issue is that it is half empty and almost all the students dont live here. its not because its chiloni.

  10. if they are screamning at him, why doesnt the mayior just take the building back? if he isnt using it, the mayor should use his power to take it back. he has such power. He was going to use that power by OROT last year, but the parent committee involved the Minister of Education who overruled the mayor.

    I didnt say abutbol said in this instance to go to the police. I said if someone claims to the mayor that sorotzkin is doing something illegal he would probably say to take evidence to the police. I have read him say that in interviews regularly about other claims off illegal action against the iryah or his buddy askanim...

  11. I was just in Kehillas Yaakov.. they were having a tefillas yom kippur kotton with a rally against the terrible situation of a center for troubled youth being established in the neighborhood, and that it is going to be in a place that could be used for a local institution that is sorely lacking space.

    Everybody there knows what is going on. Everybody is upset at Sorotzkin. But they are all afraid to say his name. You wont see his name listed on anything. You would never know he is the target of their tefillos or frustration. How can they even think they will ever win if they are so afraid of him that they wont even mention his name?
    Last week the Chadash was missing a page. That page was an article about this situation. Sorotzkin heard about it and threatened them to remove it. Since it had already been printed they let him and his people go through all the papers and just tear out that page.

    if they are so afraid of him, how can they ever win this fight?

    1. Do you know how much this makes BS sound like a Banana Republic?

  12. The letters in KY have the name "talmud torah AS" on it. Pretty clear who it is. And if that doesnt give it away, it says "memleches hatorah" which is what SBS prides himself on having. I am not sure why its done this way. Maybe a bit more Aidel. RMG is a bit more aidel than most rabbonim in this country. Dai Lachachima BeRemiza

  13. Talmidei Chochomim marbeh shalom? Hahahahaha


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