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Sep 5, 2012

We'll Hold Your Stolen Money Until Eliyahu Arrives

The Yated floated an amazing new concept that really cracked me up when I first heard of it (thanks, TS).

A group running a gmach from Jerusalem has created a new foundation, called "V'Heishiv". The purpose of the new foundation is to give an opportunity to the community of God-fearers, as it provides an opportunity to return debts, before the Day of Judgement - debts that are unknown in nature, and for children to give merit to dead parents who might have passed away leaving open debts.

What they do is, if someone thinks he might have a debt that he cannot repay, he is in a bind as he wants to repay his debt, he does not want to hold money that is not his, yet he has no way to do so. That person will now be able to give an estimated amount of money, enough that he would be comfortable thinking he has covered his possible debt, and deposit that sum with this new foundation, VHeishiv. VHeishiv will receive the money, with a kinyan, on behalf of the real owner, despite the owner being unknown. They can do this, seemingly, because anyway the owner, if such a debt ever existed in the first place, by now does not expect to get it repaid ever. This becomes a merit for them, as the money will be used for lending interest-free, and whatever else (presumably mitzvos) the gmach funds, and eventually, when Eliyahu arrives bearing the news of Mashiach's immediate arrival, Eliyahu will clarify who owes whom money and the money will be given to the rightful owners. They, by doing this, are saving you from possible theft.

The article in the Yated lists a bunch of rabbis who supported the idea of the foundation.

So, if you want to be machmir with your money, if you think you might owe somebody money but just cannot remember who it is or how much, just send the money to this group and they will hold it for you until Eliyahu arrives.

I love it!

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1 comment:

  1. Since Eliyahu isn't going to come, it is a מקח טעות and should be returned.


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