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Sep 3, 2012

What would Happen if Haredim Were Drafted (video)

What would Happen if Haredim Were Drafted

this video was made by the "Dossim" project for "hasbara hareidit" - haredi PR. It seems that the only options in life are to be an avreich or a drunkard, and being drafted into the army would turn one into a secular drunkard.

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  1. Haredi politicians SOLD OUT safety of Jewish soldiers for YEARS in exchange for money --- and now they cry ??? In 1992-1996 Sha$ gave Rabin his Oslo majority (and weapns/land/$$E for Arafat "policemen") and now they complain that Shalom Akshav Arabs stone IDF soldiers ??? In 2005 United "Tora" Judiasm gave Sharon his majority for Gush Katif expulsion government where Hamas gets to burn non-haredi shul ... and now they complain that they are taken away from their shuls ???
    For years, haredi politicans were more than happy to endanger Israeli soldiers in exchange for MONEY (unless you want to argue that giving tanks and APCs to the PLO does NOT endanger Israeli soldiers) - they were happy to endanger OUR kids in exchange for money and now they complain ???

  2. This is sick.

    I had a home full of religious soldiers this Shabbos.

    They daven, learn, sing and observe Shabbos in an inspiring way..they are far from the drunken "bums" that this shtik drek portrays.

    I guess Dovid HaMelech and his arimies were either non Charedi or drunken bums as well.

  3. The Steipler ztz"l wrote that if a soldier doesn't waste his free time while in the army, he won't be messed up by being there.

  4. Dumb video. But who can name that tune in the background (and the band)? I can't remember and it's driving me nuts. Thanks.

  5. Earn money from homeSeptember 03, 2012 2:29 PM

    Dust in the Wind by Kansas. Oldie but Goodie.


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