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Jul 13, 2014

Are we victims or are we doing well in this war?

Here are my thought son "victimhood" and people's ad hoc efforts to do some PR for Israel, aka hasbara, by trying to show the world how we are suffering from the rockets, how we run t the secure rooms and our lives are disrupted, how we are threatened and terrorized.

I, personally, to present the situation as one being that things are great here in Israel.

 I dont want to play the game of who is a bigger victim. I don't even think we can win at such a game, considering that our bombs are bigger than their bombs, do more damage, and wreak more havoc - so even though they started the salvo and refused to quiet it when we gave them the ultimatum before we started responding, in the world's eyes, we cannot go back to being the David to their Goliath. We will not be looked upon as the underdog, and presenting ourselves as victims will do nothing besides scare the jews of the Diaspora and keep them away from Israel thinking it is a dangerous place.

Besides for not winning at that game, I actually think we are doing pretty good. Hundreds of rockets in the past week and very minimal injuries, baruch Hashem. A couple of deaths - from heart attacks, and one from someone falling, is truly tragic, and a handful of injuries (besides for psychological trauma) - overall we are doing pretty god.

..we clearly have God protecting us by shooting rockets out of the sky. think of it like shooting a bullet with a bullet. It is amazing technology that some people worked very hard to develop, it seems to be working astoundingly well, in what seems like an almost miraculous way, thank God,

I was here during the Gulf War when scuds shot from Iraq were falling on our houses. This is truly miraculous that our greatest inconvenience of this war is that we have to debate whether to run to the safe room for a few minutes or to run to the window to take a picture of some cool "fireworks" and try to calculate how far away it is, while we debate whether we should bother waking up the kids or not..

In my opinion, as horrible as war is, if you even call this a war (it is really called an "operation", not a war), we are really doing pretty great for being in the middle of a war.

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1 comment:

  1. The problem is that the situation has not dramatically improved from the 2006 Lebanon War. At that time there were 5000 rockets and 45 deaths. Now we are at 500 rockets and 2-3 deaths plus some heavily wounded people. What will happen when Hezbollah will fire their 200000 rockets arsenal? Never before could they target the Ben Gurion airport. A hit at a civilian plane will be really disastrous. I hope someone will prove me wrong but I see many reasons to be worried


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