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Jul 6, 2014

Yeshiva saved from Arab riots by a pot of cholent

Awesome story reported on in the Jewish press from this Shabbos in the Diaspora Yeshiva on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem.

From the Jewish Press (originally from Bechadrei):
On Friday night, 15 Arabs rioters from the Silwan/Shiloach (City of David) broke in and attacked Jerusalem’s Diaspora Yeshiva on Mount Zion.
The Arabs attacked the Yeshiva students inside with stones and blocks, according to a report on B’Chadarei Chareidim.
Fearing the Arabs were armed with guns, the students initially ran away for safety, but they then returned to defend the yeshiva and themselves from the Arab terrorists.
The students began to fight back, throwing chairs at the rioting Arabs, boiling water, and eventually even throwing the Cholent at the rioting Arab infiltrators.
Cholent is a traditional Jewish stew that sits on the fire throughout Shabbat, and is usually eaten for lunch.
After the Cholent was thrown, the Arabs ran away.
Police arrived a half hour after the attack was over.
It’s not known what the students ate for lunch on Shabbat.
That's right. The ultimate weapon wielded by Jews - the pot of cholent. They saw those beans flying and went running like the devil! They clearly knew what was coming!

Perhaps the IDF should start using cholent somehow in its arsenal.. can you imagine tanks shooting rounds of cholent? The Air Force dogfighting with the Syrians and forcing them to retreat when they start shooting the cholent-laced bullets? Special commando units rounding up terrorists after after forcing their surrender with a bowl of cholent?

As they say, an army travels on its stomach...

You can't make this stuff up!

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  1. Lo matzchik. Arabs attack Jews and you find humor in it? Lo matzchik klal.

  2. yes, I find humor in the part of the story in which they chased off the invaders with cholent

  3. They must have gotten the idea from Country Yossie. ..

  4. What kind of chulent was it? Standard Ashkenazi glop, or hamin of the Edot ha Mizrach? Inquiring minds want to know.

  5. Wow! I wonder what those attacking Arabs really saw besides the bowl of stew. I'm sure an angel of the Lord was there:) Devoraclark.com

  6. If the cholent was hard enough to fly through the air, it had to be "Standard Ashkenzai glop" Hamin is more runny and flavorful with garlic. Arabs love garlic so that would not chase them away.


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