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Oct 5, 2014

Bibi says he keeps kosher

I would just as much file this away and be happy to let this story go away due to lack of interest (by me), but I said the other day that I was not aware of Netanyahu being someone who keeps kosher, so I feel I must mention this.

As a result of the uproar, Netanyahu has clearly and explicitly stated that he does keep kosher both in public and official affairs and in his private affairs as well. He says not just as prime minister of Israel doe she keep kosher, but he feels it is important as a Jewish family as well to keep kosher, and so he does. Netanyahu even said he has 2 kashrut supervisors who go with him, referring to his sons.

While that is a cute thing to say, I knew one of them was somewhat religious. I did not know the other one was as well. Wasn't he dating a non-Jew? can he really be called a "mashgiach"?

Netanyahu was perturbed that people are intruding in his life so much, all the way to his plate. He complained that people are intruding into his private meetings, into his plates, and they've even looked into what type of toilet paper he uses. Netanyahu suggested that they install reality tv cameras around him and that would solve everyone's problems.
source: Kikar

Sorry, Bibi. That's part of the job in today's day and age. I agree with you that people take it too far, but that's the way the media is, for good and for bad. You use it to your advantage and excel in the soundbite that is perfect for the media, and you use it to your advantage, and you have to take the bad parts with it. You want to be prime minister in the age of the media, internet, no privacy and high speed information sharing, this is what goes along with that.

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  1. It works both ways. Part of intruding too much on the private life of a public official is being called out on it. Just because it's easy to pry, doesn't mean it's proper to.

  2. On the radio this morning, they said that Bibi's 2 "Mishgachei Kashrut" referred to his son Avner (who is fully religious), and his wife Sara who keeps kosher.

    Bibi also has a daughter who is Charedi and keeps out of the public eye, but she is married and doesn't live with her parents, so not sure whether she would count as a Mishgicha kashrut. No idea whether she eats in her parents' kitchen.

    1. Two of Bibi's children are observant? How did that happen?

  3. His son was not "dating a non-Jew." She was a classmate of his and some pictures of the two of them together were put up on Facebook, and people jumped to conclusions. Like they (and I, I have to admit) did here.

    I'm pretty sure his daughter isn't charedi, but she is definitely religious. I think she went to Ramaz when Bibi was stationed in New York, became religious (although lots of Israelis make the move naturally), and married a religious American oleh. Bibi's wife's family is completely religious, and her father had a big effect on his youngest son.


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