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Oct 1, 2014

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halevai we (myself included) should all have this attitude about shmitta, and other mitzvot related to Eretz Yisrael, and not look at it as a bother and annoyance.

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  1. Er.. isn't there an issur in trading in Shmitta produce? Should he have bought it?

  2. 1. there is a machlokes whether shmitta produce that was grown by transgressing the issur of working the land can be bought and eaten or not.
    2. not everything that has kedusha is called "shmitta produce" that is assur to buy. Otzar beis din produce is all kedusha, but oen can buy it (though technically you are paying for the labor, not the produce), though otzar beis din isnt available yet. Some people keep kedusha on hetter mechira produce. some people even keep kedusha on yevul nochri produce.


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