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Jan 7, 2015

are there straight politicians?

Haaretz commissioned a survey to discover which politicians were perceived by the public as being either the most or least trustworthy and honest.

The results (as described on Ladaat) are what they are, but I think the entire premise is funny, or sad perhaps. All the politicians are not trustworthy. Even the best of them make promises they know they cannot or will not keep. The worst of them are involved in corruption, bribes, nepotism, and sometimes worse. The survey looking to figure out who is more or less straight is basically a waste of time and energy..

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  1. The exception is Moshe Feiglin. He says what he means, and means what he says.

    1. Except when he says that he is committed to staying in the Likud long-term because the way to accomplish things is through a major political party!

  2. straight has a different connotation.


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