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Feb 2, 2016

Deri makes a mountain out of a molehill

The news is reporting that Aryeh Deri left the Knesset yesterday, avoiding participation in a couple of votes important to Netanyahu, out of anger in response to a tweet put out by Netanyahu.

Netanyahu tweeted the government's accomplishment in bringing down the cost of public transportation.

Deri was upset that he was not given credit for this, and Netanyahu was seemingly taking the credit for himself.

Poor Deri. Netanyahu as Prime Minister was simply announcing a government accomplishment. He was not taking credit for himself, though he, as prime minister, does get overall credit for all the government's accomplishments, and gets blame for the government's failures. That is the way it works. Deri might have pushed for it as his agenda, but at the end of the day Netanyahu heads a government that had to do whatever necessary to pass it.

I am surprised Deri, a seasoned politician, can't handle such a minor annoyance - a tweet crediting the government and not him specifically.

Should Netanyahu have given Deri more credit in public for being behind the program? Perhaps. I am no expert in how such announcements must be formed, and who should be given credit at what point and when the credit should be more general. Even if Netanyahu should have given Deri specific credit for this, Deri gotnutty over what should have been a very minor annoyance - especially considering everything Deri has achieved in this government so far.

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