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May 4, 2016

The Egyptian version of the birther movement

Did a foreign Pharoah give Egypt a bad name?

That's what the director of the Antiquities Authority of Egypt is claiming.

Dr. Mustafa Waziri is claiming that the king named {haroah in the Bible was a ruler over parts of Egypt, but he himself was not actually Egyptian. Rather, according to Waziri, Pharoah was from a nomadic tribe known as Hyksos. The Hyksos tribe meandered into Egypt at some point and even ruled the country for a few hundred years.

Waziri further claims, against accepted knowledge in the archaeological community, that the word "Pharoah" is NOT the generic title of the king of Egypt. Rather, Waziri claims, Pharoah was the name of this specific ruler. Waziri says the claim of Phaorah being the title of King of Egypt is an urban legend started by the Jews with intent to lay false blame on the Egyptian people for their enslavement.

Waziri points to the Koran as proof for his claims. He points to the fact that the title Pharoah is never used in the Koran in reference to the ruler of Egypt. As well, Moshe talks to Pharoah and addresses him as "Pharoah" and not as "Honorable Pharoah" as would be necessary if that were the kings title.
Source: Walla News

This Waziri fellow must be Egypt's version of Donald Trump, and must head the Egyptian version of the "birther" movement. Next thing we know he will run for the position of President (or King) of Egypt..

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  1. Some claim that the Hyksos were in fact the Israelites. (From wikipedia:
    "Josephus identifies the Israelite Exodus with the first exodus mentioned by Manetho, when some 480,000 Hyksos, wrongly interpreted as "shepherd kings" by Josephus (also referred to as just as shepherds, as kings and as captive shepherds in his discussion of Manetho), left Egypt for Jerusalem.[8] The mention of Hyksos identifies this first exodus with the Hyksos period (16th century BC)."
    In which case Pharoah must have been Jewish! No wonder he didn't want to let his people go!

  2. There is another source that the Pharaoh from Yosef's time was from the Hyksos, but not the Pharaoh from Moshe's time.

  3. The only time you get the truth is when the sources are the Jewish ones from the Torah and our great Sages. Up until this day, we have all kinds of theories and myths about the Jews, trying to deny the truth of the Torah.


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