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May 4, 2016

Trump Israel shouldn't 'pause' West Bank settlements (video)

it might be time to stop being so belligerent against Donald Trump, at least from an Israel perspective, and accept the fact that he will be the nominee and we need to remain on his good side, even if "just in case" he wins, and especially recognizing that he always has been a friend to Israel and we want him to remain one.

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1 comment:

  1. I had met his son-in-law in a NYC subway once, after a baseball game in the Bronx, and he told me how he and his wife were orthodox Yidden, and where they daven. Later, when Trump announced his run for president, I was glad, for it shows that divine providence will be good to us until Moshiach comes. After all, the present president is a mad dog who hates Jews and hates Israel.


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