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Jul 6, 2016

Rabbanut kashrut will now outsource their mashgichim

big changes are clearly on the way in the Rabbanut kashrut system.

We already know they are considering the possibility of pulling out completely and operating as a regulator instead of as a kashrut supervision agency. Until a decision is made about that, other changes are being implemented.

Today the Religious Council of Jerusalem signed a contract with an outsourcing company to outsource the kashrut supervision of the Rabbanut.

Until today there was an aspect of kashrut supervision that was regularly criticized - that being, the mashgichim were paid by the restaurants they supervised. The criticism obviously being that this presents a conflict of interest - how can the mashgiach threaten to remove the hechsher when his own salary is dependent on it? how can the mashgiach assert his authority over a restaurant owner when that owner must pay his salary the next day?

Those days are no longer. The mashgichim, in Jerusalem at least, will now be employed through an outsourcing agency. The restaurants will now pay the fees to the Religious Council and not to the mashgiach kashrut. The Religious Coucil will pay the outsourcing company for their services, and the outsourcing company will pay their employees, the mashgichim.

Another change put in place is that mashgichim will be responsible for regions, instead of each restaurant or business having a different mashgiach, forcing mashgichim to travel to different areas over the course of the day to supervise restaurants under his purview. This should increase efficiency and probably also the amount of supervision - theoretically at least the mashgiach should be in the area of each restaurant under his supervision at all times and can drop in more frequently and quicker should it be necessary to call him in..
source: Srugim

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